© 2024 Constellar Exhibitions Ventures Pte Ltd.
The race to net zero is our generation’s biggest and most important challenge. A challenge we cannot fail. Scientists recently warned that we are likely to breach the 1.5 degree threshold by 2027 – the world is certain to experience new record temperatures in the next 5 years. Clearly, this is a time for the world to accelerate to zero. This calls for unprecedented global collaboration, bold initiatives, rapid deployment of innovation, financing meeting transition and transformation demands at speed – all whilst maintaining a secure affordable and accessible energy landscape.
AtoZero, or “Accelerate To Net Zero”, is a new series of events bringing together key decision makers and changemakers to comprehensively explore pathways, policies and business opportunities that will catalyse an acceleration of net zero pathways.

“...We will provide financing to support green technology startups, while also helping SMEs implement low-carbon practices. Other forms of support in this area come in the form of a Green Technology Financing Scheme, Investment Tax Allowance and Income Tax Exemption for eligible activities.”
“Alongside runs an enhanced focus in investments in green growth areas including hydrogen technology, bioenergy and electric mobility — enablers of green adoption across sectors as well as future economic engines.”
The Honourable
Dato' Seri Anwar Bin Ibrahim
Malaysian Prime Minister’s keynote address at Invest Malaysia 2023
Day 1
Wednesday 04 October 2023
Day 2
Thursday 05 October 2023
Friday 06 October 2023
10:00 - 10:05 AM
Organiser Welcome Remarks
10:05 - 10:15 AM
Special Address : Accelerating Green Growth and Advancing Climate Action – The Role of MGTC in Supporting the National Climate Change Agenda
10:15 - 10:30 AM
Keynote : ASEAN Energy Outlook 2050 in a Global Context
10:30 - 10:45 AM
Unleashing the Power of Clean Energy: Gentari's Role in Accelerating the ASEAN Region's Net Zero Transition
10:45 - 11:15 AM
Morning Refreshment
11:15 - 12:00 PM
International Collaboration Spotlight Panel : The Importance of Regional Partnership to Support ASEAN’s Net Zero Transition
12:00 - 01:30 PM
Networking Luncheon
01:30 - 02:15 PM
Global Leadership Panel : Renewable Developers’ Perspectives: Regional Market Highlights, Unlocking Opportunities Through Interconnectivity, Energy Storage and Digitalisation
02:15 - 03:00 PM
Global Leadership Panel : The Case for Gas and LNG in ASEAN’s Transition to Net Zero
03:00 - 03:30 PM
Afternoon Refreshment
03:30 - 03:45 PM
Ministerial Keynote : Malaysia’s Net Zero Mission Journey and Collaboration Opportunities for Growth
03:45 - 04:00 PM
Launch Gimmick & Photo Ops
04:00 - 05:00 PM
Ministers-CEOs Panel : Accelerating Net Zero Transformation – The Role of Policy, New Energies, Technology Innovations and Regional Collaboration
05:00 - 05:45 PM
Global Leadership Panel : Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage Opportunities in ASEAN’s Net Zero Transition
10:00 - 11:00 AM
IGEM Opening Ceremony
11:30 - 11:45 AM
Keynote: Innovation and Outlook of Electrification of Future of ASEAN
11:45 - 12:30 PM
Financing Panel : Green Energy Financing – Addressing the Fragmentations and Bridging the Gap in ASEAN
12:30 - 01:45 PM
Networking Luncheon
01:45 - 02:30 PM
Panel on Solar : ASEAN’s Floating and Rooftop Solar – Market Outlook, Growth Opportunities and Spotlight Markets
02:30 - 03:15 PM
Hydrogen Spotlight Panel : Towards Hydrogen Economy: Policy Support, Value Chain Development and Innovations Around Blue and Green Hydrogen
03:15 - 03:30 PM
Afternoon Refreshment
03:30 - 04:15 PM
ASEAN Future Grid Panel : Towards A Modern, Smart and Decentralised Grid
04:15 - 05:00 PM
LNG Buyer Spotlight Panel : Navigating LNG Market Dynamics for Secure, Affordable Supplies
05:00 - 05:45 PM
Panel : Advancing the Role of Biomass and Biogas in Energy Transition - An ASEAN Perspective
10:00 - 10:45 AM
Corporate Net Zero Spotlight Panel : The Rise of Net Zero Commitment, RE100, Carbon Markets, RECs and Implications
10:45 - 11:15 AM
Morning Refreshment
11:15 - 12:00 PM
Panel : Decarbonising the Transportation Sector – Role of Alternative Fuels, Technology Advancement and Policies
12:00 - 12:45 PM
Panel : Championing Energy Efficiency (EE) as the First Fuel
12:45 - 01:30 PM
Networking Luncheon
Collectively ASEAN aims to increase the share of RE in Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) to 23% by 2025.
In the Power Sector, the share of RE in installed capacity to reach 35% by 2025.
US$184 billion
Investment requirement for ASEAN’s power sector between 2021-2025, in the Baseline scenario.
In 2022, ASEAN added ~14GW power capacity, including gas (5,388MW), Coal (4,327MW), Solar(990MW), wind (490MW).
~RM20 billion
Malaysia’s national utility TNB pledged to invest ~RM20 billion annually between 2022- 2024 to hasten the transition
Malaysia’s RE capacity today stands at 23% at 8,520 MW. By 2025, TNB aims to increase the amount to 14 GW.

Convening ministers and senior representatives from across the region onto a single platform at the AtoZero ASEAN Summit, the closed door dialogue will act as a platform to enhance collaboration between countries in the journey towards a net zero pathway.

With the theme of “Connect, Collaborate, Accelerate”, the three-day summit will bring together energy ministers, thinktanks, financiers, and industry leaders to drive policy dialogue, showcase innovations, and accelerate partnerships that will empower ASEAN countries on their Net Zero pathways.

The 3-days exhibition will feature a spread of over 100 regional and local sponsors and exhibitors showcasing their expertise and brands to key leaders and buyers across Asia.
2023 Sponsors and Supporting Partners
Foundation Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Knowledge Partner
Bronze Sponsors
Supporting Associations
Supported By
Association Partner
Media Partner
Over the years, International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition and Conference Malaysia (IGEM) has established itself as Southeast Asia’s leading trade event for green technologies and eco solutions.
IGEM serves as an ideal platform for solution providers and green energy businesses to tap into the fast-expanding ASEAN market by showcasing the latest innovations to policymakers, government organizations, investors policymakers, businessmen, academics, and industry experts to meet, exchange insights on the latest green technology developments and forge new collaborations to improve sustainability while contributing to global economic growth.